Hazardous Classified Wall & Remote Mount NFPA 496 Building Pressurization Units

Product Applications
Bebco Model WDP Wall Mount and RDP Remote Mount Whisper Drive™ Pressurization Units are intended for industrial applications and ideal for control rooms, guard stations, motor control centers, switchgear buildings, analyzer houses, laboratories and other industrial facility structures ranging from small to large buildings with one or more rooms, due largely to their vastly superior design. Since Bebco Whisper Drive™ Units can be mounted quickly and easily through a wall cutout, or mounted to an exterior wall or on a roof and ducted into a room, or building or the fresh air intake of a packaged or wall mount HVAC unit, they are also extremely practical retrofit units.
The rugged design of Bebco Model WDP & RDP Whisper Drive™ Pressurization Units makes them an ideal solution for motor control centers, control rooms, analyzer shelters and laboratory buildings!
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All Bebco Model WDP & RDP Units are equipped with our unique Variable Speed Drive Interface (VFDI) Logic Control Boards. These boards provide a wide array of optional control features, including an emergency shutdown if combustible gas is detected in the intake stack and an emergency control override which engages the primary and secondary fans at full speed to provide high velocity ventilation if combustible or asphyxiating gases are detected within a room or building. These unique features make Bebco Model WDP & RDP Units ideal for analyzer or laboratory rooms and buildings that feature normally sealed sample analysis systems or fume hoods, and for any other buildings where critical personnel and equipment protection is essential. Redundancy is attained by the automatic activation of the secondary fan if the primary fan should ever fail, so a single Bebco unit can accomplish multiple purposes!
Best of all, a large gauge allows easy monitoring of our Whisper Drive™ Units, and Operators will also be alerted promptly to act upon failure of the pressurization unit with both an on-board indicator and alarm outputs that are available with conventional or intrinsically safe outputs. Additionally, these units can provide a superior solution to applications in highly corrosive on-shore and off-shore locations by selecting 304 or 316 stainless steel corrosion-resistant seal-welded housings!
Consider Bebco Whisper Drive™ Units as the World’s most advanced and versatile building and room pressurizers, unequaled in many dynamic ways to any other available product. You’ll surely agree we’ve set a rugged and innovative standard for building and room pressurization, that easily satisfies the challenging requirements of your harsh, industrial and corrosive environment applications!
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In an extremely unique application, this Emergency Deluge Fire Pump Engine Building is equipped with an oversized Bebco Model WDP Wall Mount Whisper Drive™ Building Pressurization Unit. As shown, the Unit is fed by a free-standing Bebco Model RPSK Rigid Pipe Stack, constructed from Schedule 20 carbon steel pipe and mounted to an entryway platform, next to the front door.
The WDP Unit pressurizes the building and also provides emergency ventilation if interior gas detection units sense engine fuel or exhaust gases within the building. As shown in the inset image, the engine has a ducted exhaust, but relies on the automatic controls of the Whisper Drive™ Unit to supply its massive amount of intake air, while the WDP Unit also accomplishes pressurization and achieves the required 60 feet per minute air velocity through both doors when fully opened! In this instance, the unique design of Bebco Pressurization Units meets the challenge easily, with no custom modifications!
This Fiberglass Analyzer Building is situated in an H2S environment of a sour gas plant, and is equipped with a Bebco Model IX-WDP Wall Mount Whisper Drive™ Building Pressurization Unit featuring a urethane coated 316 stainless steel housing. It operates in tandem with a Bebco Industrial Grade 316 Stainless Steel seal-welded IX-WAC Wall Mount Air Conditioner to protect the building against both a combustible and highly corrosive environment, and applies only enough air to maintain pressurization to minimize air conditioner loads, until the door is opened.
The Model IX-WDP then ramps up automatically to operate at full velocity and keep the external atmosphere at bay! In this ideal application, both the Bebco Pressurization Unit and Air Conditioner will perform just as well as the fiberglass building in this extremely harsh environment to provide years of trouble-free service!
This Security Center is equipped with a Bebco Model RDP Remote Mount Whisper Drive™ Building Pressurization Unit that feeds makeup air to a Bebco Model PAC Packaged Air Conditioner. Roof mounting was essential in this application to permit a 360-degree field of view around the security center, while also minimizing the building’s footprint in a highly secure but potentially hazardous area of a chemical manufacturing facility.
As shown, the Whisper Drive™ Unit is fitted with highly ergonomic and efficient Bebco Model DN Discharge Ninety and Model DE Duct Extension Fittings, to sweep air into the evaporator compartment of the Packaged Air Conditioner. The Model RDP Unit’s make-up air is channeled through the supply duct of the unit, and the return air grille of the Model PAC Air Conditioner is fitted with a disposable filter that can be easily changed while both units remain in operation!